There’s no tired like teacher tired.

With so many different demands on teachers' time, what’s the MOST important thing to do if you want to maximize your time, energy, and focus?

Do fewer things, so the things that remain can be done even better.

Of course, that’s not easy when EVERYTHING seems important and you can’t figure out what to eliminate or how to streamline.

So, I created a challenge to help you say goodbye to teacher tired in just FIVE DAYS.


Simple shifts in your mindset & daily habits which can make a BIG difference

I’ll walk you through each step to help you figure out exactly how to apply these principles to your life, and take ONE action right away.

How to use this 5 day challenge
Read Day 1
Listen to Day 1
Read Day 2
Listen to Day 2
Read Day 3
Listen to Day 3
Read Day 4
Listen to Day 4
Read Day 5
Listen to Day 5

How the challenge works

You’ll get one email a day for 5 days, and each one includes...

  • A 3 page PDF which explains the mindset you need and action to take

  • An audio recording of the PDF that’s 8-10 minutes long so you have the option to listen instead of read

  • A printable form or template to help you organize your thoughts & brainstorm


Angela Watson

Founder of

Angela Watson is a National Board Certified Teacher with 11 years of classroom teaching experience and over a decade of work as an instructional coach. She founded Truth for Teachers in 2003 as a young teacher to share ideas with other educators online. The site has since expanded to a K-12 writer's collective, podcast, books, courses, and professional development. All of Angela's resources are designed to make teaching more effective, efficient, and enjoyable.



This is a free challenge for ALL teachers. It's aligned with the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek, but it NOT a duplicate of the content, so if you’ve joined the club in the past, please do sign up for the challenge!

It will reinforce what you’ve learned already so you can re-establish habits/mindset shifts that may have slipped over time.

This is going to be a real game changer for any teachers who feel overwhelmed and desperately want to simplify.

I hope you will invest your time and energy in completing this challenge for just 5 days--the dividends that investment pays out can last for the rest of your teaching career.

Can’t wait to hear your stories of transformation. Enjoy!

Angela Watson

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this 5 day challenge

    1. Read Day 1

    2. Listen to Day 1

    1. Read Day 2

    2. Listen to Day 2

    1. Read Day 3

    2. Listen to Day 3

    1. Read Day 4

    2. Listen to Day 4

    1. Read Day 5

    2. Listen to Day 5

About this course

  • Free
  • PDF
  • Audio

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the challenge start and finish?

This section is rich text and allows you to add some formatting, bullet lists and maybe even images. It it in areas where you may have multiple paragraphs and where you want to add style

Now gow ahead and delete this placeholder text and put in your own

How long do I have access to the materials?

This challenge is a permanent addition to the courses and mini-courses here, so you can go through the challenge at any time.

5 days to a more balanced life