Choose from 37 guided meditations to help you recenter

Each is just 5 minutes long, and organized into categories so you can find what you need, right when you need it:

Cultivating compassion for students
Finding calm during chaos
Recalibrating when someone has frustrated you
Recentering in the middle a busy day
Reframing a challenging experience
Standing meditation
Tea meditation
Window gaze meditation
Calm and clarity
Creative problem-solving
Equanimity and inner balance
Health and healing
Inner strength and confidence
Joyful effort
Motivation for follow-through
Universal love
Noticing your thoughts
Experimenting with breathwork
Scanning your body
Practicing loving-kindness
Staying with discomfort and unpleasant emotions
Tapping into the power of mindful speech
Cultivating gratitude for the imperfect bonds of family
Embracing impermanence in the flow of life
Experiencing the mind as an ocean
Finding and visiting your happy place
Letting go of attachment
Meditating on radiant light to find patience and resilience
Visualizing an inner landscape to build boundaries
Spring: The season of new growth
Summer: The season of radiant abundance
Autumn: The season of transformation
Winter: The season of renewal
Slowing down for the holidays
Reflecting on the previous year and looking ahead to the next

How can you use the teacher meditations?

Take a 5 minute "mindful moment" anytime you need to recenter:

Before school

Mentally prepare for your day and set a positive intention by listening when you first wake up, during your commute, or right before students enter the classroom.

On your lunch break

Use a mindful reset during your break or planning time. Choose a meditation that helps you let go of what's already happened, return to a relaxed neutral state, or re-energize for the rest of the day.

After school

Decompress and downregulate your nervous system when the workday is done. Mentally transition from school to home after dismissal, on your commute, or when unwinding at home.


Angela Watson

Angela has been encouraging teachers through her online resources since 2003! 

With eleven years of classroom teaching experience and over a decade of experience as an instructional coach, Angela knows the challenges of school-based work. 

Through her books, podcast, curriculum resources, and online courses, Angela has supported countless teachers in finding ways to bring their best selves to the classroom. 
Learn more here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long are the meditations?

Each meditation is around 5 minutes long, so you can listen even when you don't have a lot of time alone.

What format are the meditations in?

Each meditation is in an audio file which you can play within our course site, or download to listen offline.

How long do I have access?

You never lose access to these resources, so you can listen to them throughout your teaching career.

Is this only for teachers?

Any school-based faculty or staff who work with students will benefit from these meditations.

Is there any religious content?

No. These meditations are geared toward practicing presence and being intentional about what you are focusing on. The mind is extremely powerful, and visualization is a really impactful way to help you feel more grounded, centered, and balanced.

What if I've never meditated before?

Thank you for being open! Try out one of the free preview lessons, and notice  how you feel afterward. Does your mind feel clearer? Has your heart rate slowed and nervous system down-regulated? Is it easier to concentrate or get things done afterward? Just notice what — if any — impact you feel this first time. 

You don't need to have any prior experience with meditation to benefit from these mi

What if I've already established a meditation practice?

Welcome! I hope you enjoy having a familiar, calming voice to guide you through something a little different from what you normally do. These mindful moments can compliment a more in-depth meditation practice, and help you recenter in 

Can I try some of the meditations for free?

Sure! There are 3 free meditations for you to preview. They have an eye icon rather than a lock icon next to them. Click any free meditation with the eye icon to try it out.

Explore the topics

    1. Cultivating compassion for students

    2. Finding calm during chaos

    3. Recalibrating when someone has frustrated you

    4. Recentering in the middle a busy day

    5. Reframing a challenging experience

    6. Standing meditation

    7. Tea meditation

    8. Window gaze meditation

    1. Abundance

    2. Calm and clarity

    3. Creative problem-solving

    4. Equanimity and inner balance

    5. Gratitude

    6. Health and healing

    7. Inner strength and confidence

    8. Joyful effort

    9. Motivation for follow-through

    10. Universal love

    1. Noticing your thoughts

    2. Experimenting with breathwork

    3. Scanning your body

    4. Practicing loving-kindness

    5. Staying with discomfort and unpleasant emotions

    6. Tapping into the power of mindful speech

    1. Cultivating gratitude for the imperfect bonds of family

    2. Embracing impermanence in the flow of life

    3. Experiencing the mind as an ocean

    4. Finding and visiting your happy place

    5. Letting go of attachment

    6. Meditating on radiant light to find patience and resilience

    7. Visualizing an inner landscape to build boundaries

    1. Spring: The season of new growth

    2. Summer: The season of radiant abundance

    3. Autumn: The season of transformation

    4. Winter: The season of renewal

    5. Slowing down for the holidays

    6. Reflecting on the previous year and looking ahead to the next

About this course

  • $12.00
  • 37 lessons
  • Audio-only

Recenter and refocus with daily mindful moments for teachers.